Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fancy French Lunch

We went out to lunch to celebrate Laura's birthday, my host sister. It was a perfect Sunday afternoon, and an amazing lunch. In France you always have many courses, even when you are not out to eat. First is an aperitif, basically a drink. Then after is a first course, like an appetizer or salad. I had gotten this vegetable and cheese ravioli that was in the most amazing sauce ever. I can still taste it months later. Then after is the main entree. I had a type of red fish with risotto and a wine/cheese combination sauce. It was so delicious and the presentation of the plates were so neat. I am not used to having the food look so sophisticated and pretty where you are almost too scared to mess it up to eat it! But it is too
good to just look at that is sure! After we decided we could fit some room for some dessert. I got this special apple carmel tarte that is known in the South of France. It came with a carmel and dark sugar, salted butter homemade ice cream which was to die for! The desserts by far had the best appearances and that of course calls for some photos even though I probably did look a little odd. I don't even care though, because I have an excuse, I am an exchange student and American. It is expected of me, haha!!! Well don't start drooling on your computers with these pictures, but here's a little taste of some real French cuisine!

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