Thursday, December 23, 2010

Catch Up Time

Well it has been almost four months already since I have been here, and I still can't believe I am in France!! It is like a giant dream, a whole different world. The time is flying by so fast and these four months feel like four days to me. I have been busy, busy, busy since I have arrived; there's always something to do or be done. I have gotten behind on my blog and I figured with Christmas vacation and a cold rainy day, I better do a little catch up! I'm going to just overview the highlights of each month I have missed, and don't worry there will be plenty of pictures. Also check out my new YouTube page that I created to document some of my adventures and what I see through my eyes. The videos are from when I arrived showing my surroundings so you can get a better picture of what my life is like. There is even some videos of the strikes during October that were very crazy. I will warn you now I am not much of a camerawoman; I need to work on my skills. Enjoy the upcoming posts and check out my link for the Youtube page, otherwise search FrenchieLexie and you should find me!

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