Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Have Arrived :)

Well I know I am kind of late with this post since I have been gone for almost a month, but it feels like yesterday that I was bored waiting and exhausted in the Paris Charles de Gaule airport.  Traveling was long, and a lot, a lot of sitting and waiting. I was lucky though that none of my flights got cancelled on me, thank goodness. My flight to Toulouse was slightly delayed but only about 20-30 minutes. I was also very lucky to meet up other exchange students already in Chicago so I was never alone. I even sat next to a girl from France (just by luck) who had just spent time in the US on exchange. We had the long flight from Philadelphia to Paris together which we spent talking about France and the US, and watching some pretty awesome movies. I couldn't sleep, for I was far too excited. Once in Paris Rotarians met us and showed us our way to our terminals, and so on. Once to my gate, I sat for around 5 or 6 hours, and oh it was so much fun. I just people watched and I caught in a much needed nap before hopping on my plane to Toulouse. I was so excited when I walked off the plane because I knew I had finally gotten here, the place I had waited for a year for! I arrived!!! Rotarians and my host mom were waiting for me. There were two other American girls with me also. We took pictures and greeted each other (the French way, two kisses), then searched for my luggage. At first I was worried because we waited for almost 45 minutes for my luggage! I thought it was gone! But thankfully it showed and we headed on the road to my new home. It was so hot the day I arrived, 97 degrees!!! It was beautiful though. On the way home I got to know my new mom a bit and experience real French driving( I thought I was going to die, literally)! The whole thing felt like dream! Everything was so different and beautiful in my eyes! My street is so different and French. When we pulled into the driveway and I was in awe at how beautiful it was. They have a private driveway that is lined with 12 foot shrubs with vines that hang over the edge and a huge gate. It was nothing like I am used to seeing.

When I saw their house I was in love. It is so pretty. It is more an Italian/ Spanish looking home, not the usual French that people think of. It is like that because I am in the South, and there is a lot of Spanish and Italian influence in the area. I got a grand tour and settled into my new room which I love because it's a lot bigger than my one in the States! They have a pretty big house, especially for Europe, and even a big yard with fruit and nut trees and a large in ground pool, though its freezing cold. They keep it cool because of how hot it is and also because it tends to get chilly at night. I unpacked and right away joined the family in their life, well life of dance that is. My host parent's own  dance studio and train world class dancers. The weekend I arrived was the same weekend they were hosting a large dance workshop and festival at their studio. I jumped right on into the action. I got the chance to take swing, salsa, lindy hop, and rock during the weekend. It is very different and difficult dancing then I have ever done, but fun. I got to meet a lot of nice people and we even took a trip into the city where I saw the city center where all the magic happens. It was a very tiring weekend though and I was looking forward to real life and calmness.
The next few days I got adjusted and went into the city a few times, just chilling before I started school that Thursday. I live in an area called Saint Simon which is just on the edge of the city. To get into the city I either get a ride to the metro station or I have to walk to take the bus. Then the metro into the city and I'm in the center of everything! It is nothing like Wausau at all! I love public transportation! The city is so amazing to just look at. I could spend hours just walking up and down the streets, and I do just that. It has so much history and culture. Toulouse is not like the French cities that most people think of like Paris. This area used to have its own language that only some older people still speak, it's a mix of French and Spanish. Also the people are very cultural here. Most people here are of Spanish, Italian, Middle Eastern, or African origin. This brings in a ton of cultural difference and really cool shopping. In La Place de Capitol you can find a market that always has things from Asia, Africa, and Spain. The Capitol building is the center of the city.
All around it is streets filled with shopping and around the square are cafes where people sit with their coffee and croissants. My school is just a 5 minute walk from the Capitol. I spend a lot of time near the Capitol and in the city center. I go with friends, my family, or even just roam on my own. There is so much to see and always an adventure. In the first week in Toulouse I was in a dream-like state. Everything was new and every little thing amazed me. The buildings, streets, signs, people, and life here. The south is very relaxed compared to other parts of France, and its hot here. We are so close to Spain, only about 2 hours or less. It's nothing like my old life back in the United States, and different is good. I love it here! I feel like I have been here all my life yet its only been a short time. France has captivated me for life :)

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