Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The First Ever Post

I see Paris, I see France. Oh where, oh where are my underpants??? Well as I promised a certain someone, I have to have this as my first line ever on this blog. I kinda wanted that to be my title, minus the naughty comment part on the end, but unfortuantely it was just to long for a blog title. I will admit to this now, I am not a blogger. I'm a talker, but never a blogger. Who knows maybe its the next best thing? Well I should proly get to my actual point of starting this blog. Well from today I have 113 more days till I leave for the Soutwest part of France on exchange for a whole year. I cannot wait for this amazing oppertunity that Rotary Youth Exchange has given me! I'm so ready to leave now, it seems like forever away. I'm stuck waiting now. I have known that I'm going to district 1700 since the beginning of March. Now I am just waiting to hear about my city and family. I must check my email at least 7 times a day searching for an email from my cordinators with information, and every day my inbox just seems to be filled with junk. It's on my mind every second of every day. As I sit through class to when I'm falling asleep I can only think of France, France, and France. While I am waiting to leave I am pretty busy with school, work, and of course friends. Though I don't know if afternoon naps really count as being productive, haha. Every day that goes by I only realize how much I need to do before I leave. I have so much to prepare and things to get, most of all actually learn some valuable French. I'm in French III right now and do fine, but I'm pretty rusty on my speaking skills. Though I learned one important saying today in French that will help me survive a year abroad: Vous voulez sortir en boite ce soir? Meaning, Do you want to go to the club tonight? There, I'm set for the year. Just kidding, my year abroad will not be all fun and games. It's going to be alot of work, and I think that is what scares me the most. I'm the talkative outgoing person, and how can I be that when I can barely introduce myself properly in French. I fear not being able to express myself especially in the first month. I know they say people are friendly and you catch up, but really how can a person not be nervous. The first day of school is scarey no matter what, and in a whole new country. Wow, I can't even imagine it now. This whole experience I feel will make me grow so much. I will learn and definately make mistakes. I hope to come back a new person but still my same old self in a way. I'm Alexis, who doesn't love me? Well I shouldn't say that, but you get the point. Hmm, I think I like this blog thing. I mainly started it to not only share and keep all my adventures in France, but for all my realtives and friends. This way they can see what I'm doing and I won't have to email a billion people all the time. It's a perfect trade. I want to get into the habit now of writing almost everyday, even if it's about hardly nothing. In the next few weeks I'm going to share my start in RYE program, the friends I've made, the variety show, and any new information I hopefully get about my exchange! I have no clue who's reading, but whoever you are, you're in for quite a roller coaster ride of an adventure!


1 comment:

  1. nice.. haha.. it looks like your going to do a lot better at this whole blogging thing then me, but ill try my best.
