Wow, what a weekend it was! No offense but I never thought a Rotary conference could be that much fun! I attended the Central States Rotary International Exchange Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan over the long weekend of Thursday, July 8th to Sunday, July 11th. The adventure didn't start there though. On Wednesday I had to travel to Chicago to attend a French consulate meeting for the following day. My mother, exchange student named Leo, and I spent the day exploring Chicago. I think we walked over 10 miles, mainly on Michigan Ave. Though it was hot and rained, we had a good time. THe next day we hauled my luggage across Chicago, running through crosswalks to get to the French consulate office. Thankfully we walked in right on time, but I ended up waiting for a very long time for a 2 minute meeting. They took my fingerprints and picture and I was out of there. From there I hopped in the car with the other Alexis and the two women from IYWT who were the sweetest people ever. We almost however ended up in Wisconsin instead of Michigan haha. After a long adventure and being stuck in a ton of traffic we arrived in Grand Rapids, Michigan at Calvin College. I didn't know what to expect at first, but it ended up being one of the best weekends of my year! Just in those four days I met the nicest people and learned so much. I attended meetings ad listened to speakers (some that put many of us to sleep, lol). The best part of any day however was of course the dances at night. The first night was small then every night after it just grew into a bigger and bigger party!! Dancing I think is the one activity any one from any where can do together, and very closely. Also during this conference the variety show group got plenty of practice and bonding time to prepare for out final show together. On Saturday we ha the show combined with the talent show. It went great and the crowd went wild for the acts. That night was the most amazing! After the show and plenty of crying on all our parts we packed up everything and said goodbye to the show we loved. We didn't cry for long though. After we headed to the biggest party of the weekend!! It was so much fun and it didn't stop there! We were lucky enough to have an all night dorm which meant the party kept on going all night long and a few battles! Silly string and squirt guns helped get back on the Rotex and torture our favorite Matt! The rest of the night we all just hung out and talked, some slept but sleep is over rated. I pulled a definite all-nighter! Packing up was the worst because we all knew goodbyes would be next. At breakfast we had little time to say goodbye to the many friends we gained and maybe will never see again from other districts. Tears streamed down all faces. We boarded the bus which brought more tears and headed back on the longest bus ride of our lives. Grand Rapids was hot and full of mishaps like the fire alarm and craziness of the dances, but it was also full of the feel of family. I felt close to everyone there no matter if we had nothing in common or looked nothing alike, we all belonged. I never wanted to leave and it was sad to know that it was goodbye to so many brothers and sisters! Every stop on the ride home grew sadder and sadder! It was hard to even imagine a life without some of the friends I made over this last year. But we all knew that it would have to come to an end, and hopefully one day we will see each other again! It was late by the time we got back to Wausau, but I was tired and depressed and wanted my own cozy bed. It was a long weekend that built memories to last a lifetime! I will never forget the family I have in Rotary and can't wait to expand that family throughout this next year!! It's never goodbye in Rotary, its until we meet again!
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