Well I am back to blogging again after all the silence (I apologize to all my fans, haha), but I am here to recap. Let’s take it all the way back to November. Well it was slowly becoming winter here in Toulouse, though not anything like a November in Wisconsin, no snow. At the beginning of the month we had a special dinner for us exchange students, and people within our district. We spent the Saturday decorating the restaurant and setting tables. It wasn’t much work, and that many teenage exchange students in one room are bound to bring a lot of laughs. It was a perfect time to see everyone again and really get to know people better since we had seen many since the first weekend together right after arriving. The day though was really a day to showcase all of us. We all submitted photos that were either funny or just ridiculous that we had taken since in France. It was actually a hard task for me since, all my funny things happened when I didn’t have a camera, but some of the ones others brought were hilarious. We, exchangers and Rotarians, voted on the photos and laughed together looking at them. Then when it came to dinner we were the servers, though it was kind of cool and I felt like I was back working at the cafĂ© again! I have to admit that I was one of the most skilled (4-5 plates of food at once!). Like always it was a very filling and long French meal, but the best was still to come. The desserts! We all had to make a dessert that represented our country. I had some troubles at first thinking of one, since there are so many other Americans and limited ingredients here. I wanted to make some pumpkin pie or even something with cranberries, but finally was unable because of the lack of ingredients. I however found the perfect dish, though I had to modify with what I had and measure with my eyes. I made Peanut Butter Chocolate Oreo Cheesecake. It was perfect for representing the cheese state, plus adding the yummy and so American peanut butter and Oreos made it so amazing. It was a bit difficult to make and I was worried about serving so I instead made little mini cheesecakes and then a large one to keep at my host family’s home, of course for my own pleasure and sharing. There were so many desserts though, from all the countries. The Asian dishes and Mexican were the most different, but the many American dishes just made it feel more like home. The French loved trying all the desserts, and so did I. I was so full though by the end, it was scary! They then went on to quiz us on our French knowledge with a little quiz bowl, and my team came in 2
nd, I was so proud! We even won a cute little candle, which I left with my first host family since my bags otherwise will be so heavy.
After the quiz we went on to talking and dancing a bit for the rest of the night until after midnight, when we all had to say goodbye and go home. It was a great Saturday though; food can really bring people together. For the rest of the month I was just busy with school and friends. It was very odd to not have Thanksgiving, and I almost even forgot the date. I did missing having those extra days off though it was nice to escape the food coma for once. I’ll save all that pie for next year! My third host mother however had me make a video for her about Thanksgiving. She is an English teacher at the local university, and she thought it would be a great way for her students to learn more about American culture, and hear a real English-speaking person for once. Also I am so much better than any of those cheesy movies! I will actually try and post the video either on this page or my Youtube page. It is actually quite funny, and yes I guess I am a bit cheesy.
November in the States is the beginning of the holiday season, but here it doesn’t really start until December, but I was already getting excited. December is always a magical month, and I will give you a hint that yes it definitely is here!!