Monday night I found out that I now have a host family! Michel and Michele are the names of my host parents. They have a daughter who is 14 years old named Laura. It is feeling so much more real now. I actually now have a home and address. I haven't gotten my guarantee form yet, but I should tomorrowish. Then I'm totally going to Google Earth creep on where I'm going to be staying haha. I even got my RYE Officer who has the most French name, Pierre. I emailed my family right away introducing myself in French and telling them about me. Now I'm just waiting for a response. I can't wait to talk with my new family and even more I can't wait to spend an amazing time in their home. I am so excited now, its unbelievable! Its now less than 3 months away till I leave, 90 days from today. It's crazy now, I'm filling out my visa forms to be official and summer is almost here. I leave at the end of the summer, whoa it's coming way faster than I thought! I really just want to go now, but I am excited to have this summer to spend with my family and friends. I'm even hosting an exchange student from France for a month through school. It will be so interesting and beneficial to learn from them and have one more person to know in France. They are coming from the Lyon area of France which is in the South. It's not close to me, but not too far away. I cannot wait to start this amazing adventure. Oh wait, I already have started. Through Rotary I have had an amazing outbound year. I've met so many people, learned so much, and made so many memories. I never expected my year before leaving to be so much fun although very busy. I am so fortunate and can't even imagine how much more awesome it will get when I walk off that plane on August 26th in Toulouse, France to a waiting family!